Lids for Kids 2025!
We are pleased to announce that Lids for Kids – Michigan’s premier bicycle helmet fitting and giveaway event – is gearing up for the 2025 season in Lansing and Grand Rapids! Check out the links below to get more information about a bicycle helmet giveaway near you.
Lids for Kids – the Premier Bike Helmet Giveaway in Michigan
It’s finally warming up and kids are getting back outside to cruise around on their bikes. To make sure they’re safe, happy, and healthy, Sinas Dramis Law Firm, along with community partners, hosts Lids for Kids, the premier bike helmet giveaway in Michigan, with events in Lansing, Grand Rapids. Families come from all over the state to receive free helmets properly fitted by trained staff, learn the best practices of bicycle safety, and of course, have a ton of fun!
Bicycle Helmets – It’s All in the Fit
The most important way to prevent injury is a properly fitting bicycle helmet. When you bring your child to Lids for Kids, they’ll be fitted appropriately by trained professionals and volunteers. They can also register for a chance to win a new bicycle, meet local law enforcement officers and firefighters, tour a fire engine, and much more. There’s something for everyone!
Since Lids for Kids first began in 2003, thousands of helmets have been fitted and handed out, making this the premier bike helmet giveaway in Michigan.
Bicycle Safety Stats – Did You Know?
- 90-100% of kids wear helmets when a parent also wears one.*
- Kids wearing poorly fitting helmets are twice as likely to sustain an injury.**
- An estimated 85% of bicycle-related brain injuries are preventable.***