Lansing Lids for Kids 2025!
We are pleased to announce that Lids for Kids – Michigan’s premier bicycle helmet fitting and giveaway event – will happen again in the 2025 season in Lansing and Grand Rapids! Check out the links below to get more information about a bicycle helmet giveaway near you.
Saturday, May 17, 2025
10 AM – 12 PM
Marshall Street Fire Station
Mid-Michigan’s FREE Bike Helmet Giveaway
Michigan kids and their families are invited to join us for a fun-filled day and to receive a FREE fitted bicycle helmet. Trained professionals and volunteers will properly fit each child with a free bike helmet and share helpful bicycle safety tips. Children in attendance and wearing their new helmet may also fill out a raffle ticket for entrance into a drawing with tons of prizes and a chance to win a bike! With opportunities to meet local law officials and firefighters, tour a fire engine, and fun activities and games, there’s something for every kid and kid at heart!
The Lansing Lids for Kids event is sponsored by the Sinas Dramis Law Firm, Brain Injury Association of Michigan,
Origami Brain Injury Rehabilitation Center and the Michigan Association for Justice.
Event partners include WLAJ ABC 53, WLNS, Applied Innovation, and the Lansing Fire Department.
We thank them all for helping to make this important event happen.